Visual Inspection
1. Remove the CPP switch.
2. Verify that there are no metal shavings on the sensor.
3. Visually inspect the CPP switch for the following:
• Damage
• Cracks
• Rusted switch terminal
• Bent switch terminal
― If there is any malfunction, replace the CPP switch.
4. Install the CPP switch.
Continuity Inspection
1. Remove the CPP switch.
2. Verify that the continuity between CPP switch terminals A and B is as indicated in the table.
• If it is not as indicated in the table, replace the CPP switch.
• If the monitor item condition/specification (reference) is not within the specification, even though there is no malfunction, perform the “Circuit Open/Short Inspection”.
Circuit Open/Short Inspection
1. Disconnect the instrument cluster connector.
2. Inspect the following wiring harness for open or short circuit (continuity check).
Open circuit
• If there is no continuity, there is an open circuit. Repair or replace the wiring harness.
― CPP switch terminal A and instrument cluster terminal 2K
― CPP switch terminal B and body ground
Short circuit
• If there is continuity, there is a short circuit. Repair or replace the wiring harness.
― CPP switch terminal A and power supply
― CPP switch terminal A and body ground
― CPP switch terminal B and power supply