• The supply pump is sealed to maintain proper function. Special tools and testers are required when disassembling the supply pump. Disassembling the supply pump without special tools and testers will cause a malfunction.
• Consult an authorized DENSO parts distributor for repair if suction control valve is possibly malfunctioning.
Resistance Inspection
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Disconnect the suction control valve connector.
3. Measure the resistance between the suction control valve terminals using an ohmmeter.
• If as specified, carry out the “Circuit Open/Short Inspection”.
Ambient temperature (°C {°F})
Resistance (ohm)
20 {68}
Approx. 2.1
Circuit Open/Short Inspection
1. Disconnect the PCM connector. (See PCM REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [MZR-CD (RF Turbo)].)
2. Inspect the following wiring harnesses for an open or short circuit (continuity check).
Open circuit
• If there is no continuity, the circuit is open. Repair of replace the harness.
― Suction control valve terminal A and PCM terminal 10
― Suction control valve terminal B and PCM terminal 29
Short circuit
• If there is continuity, the circuit is shorted. Repair or replace the harness.
― Suction control valve terminal A and power supply
― Suction control valve terminal A and body ground
― Suction control valve terminal B and power supply
― Suction control valve terminal B and body ground