1. Remove the variable boost control (VBC) solenoid valve.
2. Inspect the airflow between the ports under the following conditions:
• If it is not as specified, replace the variable boost control (VBC) solenoid valve.
• If it is as specified, perform the “Circuit Open/Short Inspection”.
Circuit Open/Short Inspection
1. Disconnect the PCM connector. (See PCM REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [MZ-CD 1.6 (Y6)].)
2. Inspect the following wiring harness for an open or short circuit (continuity check).
Open circuit
• If there is no continuity, the circuit is open. Repair or replace the wiring harness.
― Variable boost control (VBC) solenoid valve terminal A and PCM terminal 104
― Variable boost control (VBC) solenoid valve terminal B and PCM control relay terminal E
Short circuit
• If there is continuity, the circuit is shorted. Repair or replace the wiring harness.
― Variable boost control (VBC) solenoid valve terminal B and body ground
― Variable boost control (VBC) solenoid valve terminal A and body ground
― Variable boost control (VBC) solenoid valve terminal A and power supply