1. Adjust the tire pressure to the specification.
2. Position the unloaded vehicle on a flat, level surface.
3. Seat one person in the driver’s seat.
4. Position the vehicle straight ahead and perpendicular to the white screen.
5. Set the headlights 3 m {9.8 ft} from the white screen.
6. Place an object in front of the headlight not being adjusted to block its light beam.
7. Start the engine so that the battery remains charged.
8. Turn on the low-beam headlight.
9. Set the headlight leveling switch to the 0 position. (Vehicles with headlight leveling switch)
10. Adjust the headlight by loosening the adjusting screws as shown in the figure.
11. Turn the adjusting screws to adjust the headlight so that the elbow point is in the shaded area shown in the figure.